
A Happy New Hijry Year 1446

 غرّة شهرالله المحرّم لعام ١٤٤٦ للهجرة (07/07/2024). اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ علَيْنَا بِالأَمْنِ والإِيمَانِ، وَالسَّلامَةِ والإِسْلامِ، رَبِّي ورَبُّكَ اللَّه، هِلالُ رُشْدٍ وخَيْرٍ. Shahrullahi "Muxarram 1446H" May this Year Be .Pleased With Barakkah for Us. Ameen. Allow Nooga Yeel Midkii Umadda Islaamka Guud, Ummadda Soomaaliyeed Gaar Ahaan, Si Buuxda Ugu Hogaansami Lajhaayeen Awaamirtaada, Raaci Laaheenna Tubta Toosan. Besh Bash, Baraare & Horumar Waara Idimka Ilaahay.

Managing Yourself | 6 Questions to Ask at the Midpoint of Your Career

  6 Questions to Ask at the Midpoint of Your Career by  Rebecca Knight  in Harvard Business Review (2nd Feb,2024)  Summary.    It’s common to wrestle with feelings of unmet expectations, missed opportunities, and paths not taken when you reach the midpoint of your career. But experts say that arriving at middle-age is also a profound opportunity for growth and self-reflection.  It’s a chance to reevaluate your priorities, draw from your experience, and carve out a path that aligns with your goals for the second half of your professional life. Post Post Share Save Buy Copies Print Reaching middle age — which often coincides with the midpoint of your career — can be a moment when your achievements, ambitions, and reality collide.  Wrestling with feelings of unmet expectations  is common; realizing that many of your early dreams and aspirations might not happen —  like ever  — is sobering.  But experts say this period also offers a profound opportunity for growth. It’s a chance to reevalu

2024 Iyo Waaya Kale

  Bismillaah, Senaddan Cusub Ee 2024ta Waxaay Iigusoo Geshay Magaalada Muqdishu Ee Caasimadd Ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Waayahaa Isdaba Yaal Ee Midba-Midkale Idhiibayo Unbuu Qayb Kayahay. Waa Astaamaha Alle Wayne Inuu Kali Yahay, Maamulka Kownkaanna Cidi Lawadaagin, Wareeggan Xilliga Ama Zamanka Sameeyana Waa Aayad Kowni Ah Allena Lagu Garto, Garashada Fayoow Ee Aadanaha Marna Inkiri Karin. Waxaa Alle Uga Mahdin Inuu Igusimay 2024 Caafimaad & Waaya Aragnimo Hor Leh. Waxaan Alle Sidoo Kale Waydiisan in Senaddan Curattay Nagu Simmo Waddankeennii Oo Xasiloonni & Barwaaqa Nololeed Gaaray Dadkiisuna Gunta Dhiisha Kadhigtay Isku Tashi & Wax Soosaarna Ujaheeystay, Gacma Hoorsi Iyo Dawarsi Shisheeyana Ka Kaaftoomay...Bi'idnillaah. Hadaba Waxaa Iswaydiin Mudan Maxaa Isbeddel Ah Oo Lataaban Karo Ayaad Heysaa Marka Laga Soo Tago Korarka Kuyimi Cimrigaaga, Iyo kolba Dhawaansha Aad Usii Dhawaaneyso Qabriga? In Badan Waxaa Suuragal Ah Inaan Maqalno Deeyrada & Saluugga Dadka Qaar Oo Ay

What’s Next for Higher EDUCATION in 2023

What’s Next for Higher Ed in 2023 Article  is based on the Context of the US Education System and highlights 3 things the  Author is watching  in the next 12 Months. 1️⃣ The Debate Shifts on Value of the BA For more than 50 years,  higher ed’s marketing message was crystal clear: a college degree pays off. While that’s still true for both individuals as well as for the country as a whole—please, don’t read this as “college isn’t worth it” screed—the message about the value of the bachelor’s degree is much more muddled these days. Background:  In recent years,   three big factors have driven the debate over the value of the BA. First, the degree premium—the wage gap between college and high-school graduates—has flattened. That’s in part because the premium grew so fast in the 1980s as college became  more  valuable and high school  less  valuable with the decline of manufacturing jobs. It was always going to be difficult, if not impossible, for BA wages to remain on that lofty trajector