Money (this ‘illusion) Must be Eliminated if Human’s are to Survive!
Money (this ‘illusion) Must be Eliminated if Human’s are to Survive! by Don Swenson Money was INVENTED as was this concept called VALUE. Both are ILLUSIONS of our MIND! We now need to ELIMINATE this ILLUSION from our planet! The history of money reveals that this concept is an 'evil' which leads to man's destruction over time. After some 6,000 years of money serving mankind as a proxy for 'value' we are now at a point where this 'illusion' needs to be understood. Money is INVENTED. Money is a concept of our MIND. Money has no EXISTENCE within our space/time universe. Money is an ILLUSION of our thinking. There is no redeeming value for this concept as it distorts reality, causes wealth disparities, causes crime and criminal behavior, favors those who desire to exploit the weak, and it produces war, destruction, crime, and political degradation. There is no redeeming 'value' for this INVENTED concept going forward. The human race must eliminate thi...