Money (this ‘illusion) Must be Eliminated if Human’s are to Survive!

Money (this ‘illusion) Must be Eliminated if Human’s are to Survive!

by Don Swenson

Money is the illusion of what the world thinks you are worth. T:
Shattering the Illusion of Money -
UFOs and the Illusion of Money - Syracuse New Times
Money is not 'needed' going forward! Let's talk! | Kingdom Economics
Money was INVENTED as was this concept called VALUE. Both are ILLUSIONS of our MIND! We now need to ELIMINATE this ILLUSION from our planet!

The history of money reveals that this concept is an 'evil' which leads to man's destruction over time. After some 6,000 years of money serving mankind as a proxy for 'value' we are now at a point where this 'illusion' needs to be understood. Money is INVENTED. Money is a concept of our MIND. Money has no EXISTENCE within our space/time universe. Money is an ILLUSION of our thinking.

There is no redeeming value for this concept as it distorts reality, causes wealth disparities, causes crime and criminal behavior, favors those who desire to exploit the weak, and it produces war, destruction, crime, and political degradation. There is no redeeming 'value' for this INVENTED concept going forward. The human race must eliminate this ILLUSION if we are to survive, prosper, and enjoy freedom.

How do we eliminate money from this planet? Since money is now digital/virtual, it can be eliminated with the DELETE key of our central computer systems. A digit in the computer is nothing but a 'number' which becomes a unit within cyberspace (our extended consciousness). The 'number' is imaginary and can be eliminated with the punch of a computer delete key. This could happen at our Central Bank where these 'digits/numbers' are created behind closed doors.

Why do many Americans mistrust the Federal Reserve? - BBC News

For American's our Central Bank is call the Fed. The lead bank which creates our 'numbers/digits' is located in New York. The precise address is 33 Liberty Street, New York, N.Y. On the 10th floor of this brick/concrete building is where our central COMPUTER is located. This computer acts to increase these 'digits/numbers' into an account called the System Open Market Account (SOMA). The person in charge of increasing these 'digits/numbers' is our Fed Chairman and his Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

Impact of the Federal Open Market Committee on Forex Trading | See here

As I write the FOMC has a policy of increasing these 'digits/numbers' in the billions (some $80 billion monthly). The process involves a MONEY BUTTON at the New York Fed (10th floor). The MONEY BUTTON is increased by merely 'typing' numbers into the computer and allowing the electronic 'digits/numbers' to flow into this System Open Market Account (the SOMA). The facilitator at the New York Fed is John C. Williams. He took office on June 18, 2018, as the 11th president and chief executive officer of the Second District, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Fed's 'Money Button' Similar to All Central Banks! Why? | Kingdom Economics

Instructions flow from Mr. Jerome Powell, our Chairman of the Fed, to Mr. Williams who then goes up to the 10th floor of the New York Fed building and punches in the 'digits/numbers' via the electronic MONEY BUTTON. It's all done quietly and efficiently behind closed doors so the PUBLIC can not witness the corruption/criminality. We have a CRIMINAL money system which operates BEHIND CLOSED DOORS so the American public does not witness this corruption/criminality.

New York Fed Injects $104.15 Billion in Short-Term Liquidity - WSJ

Yes, money is at the center of all the events which happen on this planet. Today, we have a digital/virtual money system which can be disguised from the public as the operations are hidden from our official media and from those who could expose this criminality/corruption and illegal activity. The money system is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL as the so-called dollar is now VIRTUAL (a unit of consciousness). A VIRTUAL dollar has no foundation within our Constitution. Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 spells out what should be our money. It should be a 'thing' with mass/weight (like the element number 79 in our periodic table).

Why Gold is “Money”…… | Economics and Random Thoughts
Digital Dollar Project rolls out White Paper -

Americans must become educated on the issues of money, its history, and its current status as an ILLUSION of our mind. An ILLUSION does not act to promote the values of our country. An ILLUSION has no redeeming value for our world. An ILLUSION is a mere unit of consciousness which has no existence within our space/time universe. We invented this ILLUSION and it must now be eliminated if any real progress is to be made for human beings on this planet.

Money, Money, Money – Where is it? | Kingdom Economics

The ILLUSION can be eliminated with the DELETE KEY of our central computer in New York City, 33 Liberty Street. The 10th floor of the New York Fed is where all this corruption takes place. The two key facilitators of corruption are: Jerome Hayden "Jay" Powell, the 16th chair of the Federal Reserve, serving in that office since February 2018, and Mr. John C. Williams, named president and CEO of the New York Fed, beginning June 18, 2018. These two policy makers are at the core of this entity called the Federal Reserve System (a private group of banks which operate 'independently' of all elected representatives). Who understands this entity and its hidden OPERATIONS?

Trump just found another target at the Federal Reserve | Markets Insider

Those in POWER live off this entity called the Fed. It's the MONEY which allows them to survive and prosper. Today, trillions of counterfeit dollars (digits) are punched into the computer so as to maintain the wealth and power of a select group of criminals. Money is at the ROOT of all EVIL (according to our Creator God). "For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

Is money the root of all evil? - Quora

1 Timothy 6:10 "For avarice is a root of all evil;...". Augustine defines love of money as a subcategory of avarice.[9] Luther referred to the love of money in strong accusations against the Catholic Church in his initial work of the Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences.

Prominent among critiques on issues of 'money' are accusations that 'money' is inherently exploitative, alienating, unstable, unsustainable, and creates massive economic inequality, commodifies people, and is anti-democratic and leads to an erosion of human rights while it incentivises imperialist expansion and war. We all witness these events today in we watch our politicians spend, spend, spend and increase DEBT, DEBT, DEBT. See the 'digits' here:

America's Impending Debt Crisis | Seeking Alpha

Let's all focus on 'eliminating' this CURSE from our planet as the Kingdom Age emerges. Money is an ILLUSION and is not needed for economic progress and/or for our prosperity/happiness. Real freedom evolves with the elimination of this CURSE. Have a great day and think on these ideas. I am:


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